MusicStaves Toolkit Developer's Manual

Last modified: December 07, 2012


This manual is for those, who want to implement their own staff removal and/or finding algorithms for inclusion into this toolkit.

Overall Structure

The toolkit provides two different interfaces, depending whether your algorithm only finds staff lines without removing them or whether it additionally removes staff lines. For staff line finding, the base class StaffFinder is provided, for staff removal MusicStaves.

There are several algorithms for staff line finding and removal and each StaffFinder or MusicStaves class implements a specific algorithm. Hence adding a staff removal algorithm means adding a MusicStaves class, and adding a staff finding algorithm means adding a StaffFinder class.

All MusicStaves classes are derived from the virtual class MusicStaves which offers the following methods:

  • __init__()
  • remove_staves()
  • get_staffpos()

Of these only __init__() is actually implemented in MusicStaves; the other two are virtual functions. Hence you must at least implement remove_staves() and get_staffpos() in your derived class.

All StaffFinder classes are derived from the virtual class StaffFinder which offers the following methods:

  • __init__()
  • find_staves()
  • get_average(), get_polygon(), get_skeleton()

Of these find_staves() is a virtual function which is not implemented in StaffFinder. Hence you must at least implement find_staves_staves() in your derived class.

Directory Structure

The MusicStaves toolkit is conform to the specifications of Gamera toolkits (see the Gamera documentation for details). The base classes and all derived classes are in the directory MusicStaves/gamera/toolkits/musicstaves. This directory also contains a file called It is described below how to adjust this file to make your own class available in the toolkit.

Naming conventions

Additional MusicStaves classes should have a name starting with MusicStaves_. Additional StaffFinder classes should have a name starting with StaffFinder_.

Adding your own class

Adding your class to this toolkit involves two steps:

  • implement your staff removal algorithm as a MusicStaves or StaffFinder derived class in MusicStaves/gamera/toolkits/musicstaves. The name should begin with MusicStaves_ or StaffFinder.
  • make your class accessible from the Gamera GUI

MusicStaves class architecture

Here is a simple implementation of a MusicStaves class:

# import the base class
from musicstaves import *

def MusicStaves_own(MusicStaves):
    def __init__(self, img, staffline_height=0, staffspace_height=0):
        # call the constructor of the base class
        MusicStaves.__init__(self, img, staffline_height, staffspace_height)
        # additional initializations can follow
        # ...

    # own algorithm for staff line removal
    # stores the staffless image in self.image
    def remove_staves(self, crossing_symbols, num_lines=0):
        # your implementation of staff line removal will be here

    # return the y-position for every staff lines at a given
    # x-position, this is done using a ``StaffObj`` object
    def get_staffpos(self, x=0):
        # the logic of returning the positions of the stafflines is here
        # ...

        # fill ``so`` with values and return it
        so = StaffObj()
        # ...

        return so

You can add more methods of course. You must however at least provide the remove_staves and get_staffpos because these are virtual functions in the base class.

StaffFinder class architecture

Here is a simple implementation of a StaffFinder class:

# import the base class
from stafffinder import *

def StaffFinder_own(StaffFinder):
    def __init__(self, img, staffline_height=0, staffspace_height=0):
        # call the constructor of the base class
        StaffFinder.__init__(self, img, staffline_height, staffspace_height)
        # additional initializations can follow
        # ...

    # own algorithm for staff line finding
    # stores the staffline position information in in self.linelist
    def find_staves(self, num_lines=0):
        # your implementation of staff line finding will be here
        # it stores all staff lines in self.linelist so that
        # self.linelist[0][0] is the first line in the first staff
        # system, self.linelist[2][3] is the fourth line in the third
        # staff system and so on

You can add more methods of course. You must however at least provide find_staves because this is a virtual functions in the base class.


You do not need to implement get_average, get_polygon and get_skeleton. These are already provided in the base class with the use of the conversion functions of the respective Staffline classes.

Adding GUI support

As described in the user's manual, MusicStaves and StaffFinder objects are also accessible from the Gamera GUI. Making your own class accessible in the same way requires two steps:

  • register your class in the context menu of the MusicStaves toolkit icon in
  • write a onebit/greyscale image plugin that creates a MusciStaves or StaffFinder instance of your class

To make your class available in the context menu of the MusicStaves toolkit icon, some modifications in the file are needed. It defines a class called MusicStavesModuleIcon where the menu entry for each MusicStaves and StaffFinder class is created and the correct method is called when creating an instance. The class contains the list classes (defined in __init__()) where all available classes are stored:

from musicstaves_rl_simple import MusicStaves_rl_simple
from stafffinder_mymethod import StaffFinder_mymethod


def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    # ...

    # list containing all classes derived from MusicStaves,
    # add your own class name to this list and it will appear
    # in the menu of the MusicStaves icon
    self.classes=["MusicStaves_rl_simple", "StaffFinder_mymethod"]

Add your class name to this list.


The plugins which create MusicStaves or StaffFinder objects from images are implemented in in the plugin directory of the MusicStaves toolkit. To give an example, the declaration of the class MusicStaves_rl_simple looks as follows:

# plugin to create a ``MusicStaves_rl_simple`` object
class MusicStaves_rl_simple(PluginFunction):
    pure_python = 1
    category = "MusicStaves/classes"
    self_type = ImageType([ONEBIT, GREYSCALE])
    args = Args([Int('staffline_height', default=0),\
            Int('staffspace_height', default=0)])
    return_type = Class("musicstaves")

    # import the module (containing our class declaration) and return
    # the created MusicStaves_rl_simple object
    def __call__(image, staffline_height=0, staffspace_height=0):
        from gamera.toolkits.musicstaves import musicstaves_rl_simple
        return musicstaves_rl_simple.MusicStaves_rl_simple(\
                image, staffline_height, staffspace_height)

    __call__ = staticmethod(__call__)

In this example the method __call__() is called with three arguments (as specified by the MusicStaves class). If your MusicStaves class works with more arguments, your __call__() method has to be called with those additional arguments as well.

Beside defining the function, you must also register it as a plugin function in the class MusicStavesModule at the end of the file

class MusicStavesModule(PluginModule):
    cpp_headers = ["musicstaves_plugins.hpp"]
    category = "MusicStaves"
    functions = [MusicStaves_rl_simple,\

Add the name of your class instance creator plugin to the list functions.

Writing plugins is documented and described in detail in the Gamera documentation.

Custom arguments for remove_staves

The GUI dialog for the MusicStaves.remove_staves and StaffFinder.find_staves methods by default offers the arguments defined in the base classes. If your particular implementation supports additional arguments, you can make them accessible from the GUI by defining the variable remove_staves_args or find_staves_args respectively in the class constructor.

Here is an example for a MusicStaves derived class constructor:

def MusicStaves_own(MusicStaves):
    def __init__(self, img, staffline_height=0, staffspace_height=0):
        # call constructor of base class
        # (sets self.remove_staves_args to some default value)
        StaffFinder.__init__(self, img, staffline_height, staffspace_height)
        # register a different set of arguments for remove_staves
        self.remove_staves_args = Args([Int("num_lines", default=0),
                                      Int("someintarg", default=20),
                                      Float("somefloatarg", range=(0,1), default=0.8)])

Here is an example for a StaffFinder derived class constructor:

def StaffFinder_own(StaffFinder):
    def __init__(self, img, staffline_height=0, staffspace_height=0):
        # call constructor of base class
        # (sets self.find_staves_args to some default value)
        StaffFinder.__init__(self, img, staffline_height, staffspace_height)
        # register a different set of arguments for find_staves
        self.find_staves_args = Args([Int("num_lines", default=0),
                                      Int("someintarg", default=20),
                                      Float("somefloatarg", range=(0,1), default=0.8)])