
Last modified: February 14, 2023




Image [OneBit|GreyScale|Grey16|RGB|Float|Complex] from_numpy (object array)

Returns:Image [OneBit|GreyScale|Grey16|RGB|Float|Complex]
Defined in:numpy_io.py
Author:Robert Butz based on code by Alex Cobb

Instantiates a Gamera image from a Numeric multi-dimensional array array.

The array must be one of the following types and will map to the corresponding Gamera image type:

Gamera type Numpy type
RGB uint8 (on 3 planes)
GREY16 uint32
ONEBIT uint16
FLOAT float64
COMPLEX complex128

Requires two copying operations; may fail for very large images.

To use this function, which is not a method on images, do the following:

from gamera.plugins import numpy_io
image = numpy_io.from_numpy(array)


object to_numpy ()

Operates on:Image [OneBit|GreyScale|Grey16|RGB|Float|Complex]
Defined in:numpy_io.py
Author:Robert Butz based on code by Alex Cobb

Returns an Numeric array containing a copy of the image's data.

The array will be one of the following types corresponding to each of the Gamera image types:

Gamera type Numeric type
RGB uint8 (on 3 planes)
GREY16 uint32
ONEBIT uint16
FLOAT float64
COMPLEX complex128

Requires three copies, and may fail for very large images.

This method can be used for utilizing special functions present in numpy. If you need to compute the discrete fourier transform of an image, you can use numpy, as in the following example:

from gamera.plugins import numpy_io
from numpy import fft
nparr = image.to_numpy()
fourarr = fft.fft2(nparr)
fourimage = numpy_io.from_numpy(fourarr)

Example 1: to_numpy

to_numpy_plugin_00_00 to_numpy_plugin_00_01

Example 2: to_numpy

to_numpy_plugin_01_00 to_numpy_plugin_01_01

Example 3: to_numpy

to_numpy_plugin_02_00 to_numpy_plugin_02_01

Example 4: to_numpy

to_numpy_plugin_03_00 to_numpy_plugin_03_01

Example 5: to_numpy

to_numpy_plugin_04_00 to_numpy_plugin_04_01



Image [GreyScale|RGB|Float] from_pil (object image)

Returns:Image [GreyScale|RGB|Float]
Defined in:pil_io.py
Author:Alex Cobb

Instantiates a Gamera image from a Python Imaging Library image image.

Only RGB or 8-bit greyscale mode PIL images are supported. Requires a copying operation; may fail for very large images.

This can, e.g., be used to read images from file formats not directly supported by gamera, as JPEG images:

# Beware: name "Image" is already used in Gamera!
import Image as Pil
from pil_io import

# read a JPEG image and convert it to a Gamera image
pilimg = Pil.open("image.jpg")
img = from_pil(pilimg)


object to_pil ()

Operates on:Image [RGB|GreyScale]
Defined in:pil_io.py
Author:Alex Cobb

Returns a Python Imaging Library image containing a copy of image's data.

Only RGB and Greyscale images are supported. May fail for very large images.

Example 1: to_pil

to_pil_plugin_00_00 to_pil_plugin_00_01

Example 2: to_pil

to_pil_plugin_01_00 to_pil_plugin_01_01


Image [OneBit|GreyScale|Grey16|RGB|Float|Complex] _from_raw_string (Point offset, Dim dim, int pixel_type, int storage_type, object data_string)

Returns:Image [OneBit|GreyScale|Grey16|RGB|Float|Complex]
Defined in:string_io.py
Author:Alex Cobb

Instantiates an image from binary data in a Python string.

Requires a copying operation; may fail for very large images.

This function is not intended to be used directly. To move data to/from Numeric/numarray/PIL, use the functions in numeric_io.py, numarray_io.py and pil_io.py respectively.


object _to_raw_string ()

Operates on:Image [OneBit|GreyScale|Grey16|RGB|Float|Complex]
Defined in:string_io.py
Author:Alex Cobb

Returns the image's binary data as a Python string.

Requires a copying operation; may fail for very large images.

This function is not intended to be used directly. To move data to/from Numeric/numarray/PIL, use the functions in numeric_io.py, numarray_io.py and pil_io.py respectively.



Image [GreyScale|RGB|Float] from_cv (object image)

Returns:Image [GreyScale|RGB|Float]
Defined in:cv_io.py
Author:Manuel Jeltsch

Instantiates a Gamera RGB image from an OpenCV cv.cvmat or cv.iplimage. May fail for very large images.

Usage example:

from gamera.plugins import cv_io

# read a JPEG image and convert it to a Gamera image
cvImg = cv.LoadImage("foo.jpg")
img = cv_io.from_cv(cvImg)


object to_cv ()

Operates on:Image [RGB|GreyScale|OneBit]
Defined in:cv_io.py
Author:Manuel Jeltsch

Returns an OpenCv image (cv.cvmat) containing a copy of image's data.

Only RGB, Greyscale and Onebit images are supported. May fail for very large images.


to_buffer (object Buffer)

Operates on:Image [OneBit|GreyScale|Grey16|RGB|Float|Complex]
Defined in:gui_support.py
Author:Michael Droettboom and Karl MacMillan

Encodes the image into a 'buffer' required by wx.Image. (i.e. 8-bit RGB triplets). If you need to convert a gamera image scaled_image to a wx.Bitmap, you can do so as follows:

wximg = wx.EmptyImage(scaled_image.ncols, scaled_image.nrows)
wxbmp = wx.BitmapFromImage(wximg)