Evolutionary Optimization Module

Last modified: September 16, 2022



Feature Selection, Weighting and Genetic Algorithms

Feature selection is the technique of selecting a subset of good features out of a larger featureset to obtain the features which are suitable for the best possible classification. Feature weighting is a generalization of feature selection with real-valued weights between [0,1] instead of the binary values 0/1.

Due to the fact that feature selection and weighting are NP-hard optimization problems, a complete and correct solution is not easy to determine. One way to get an approximate solution is by using genetic algorithms. Even though feature weighting is a generalization of feature selection and should thus be able to produce better classification results, practice has shown that feature selection produces better recognition rates in most cases. It is thus recommended to use feature selection rather than feature weighting [Bolten2012].

Genetic algorithms, proposed by Holland, are adaptive problem solvers that find solutions based on the mechanics of natural selection and natural genetics. For more information, see a genetic algorithms text such as [Holland1975]

How the optimization can be used after training the classifier is described in the training tutorial.


There are two ways to use the optimization:

These two approaches are equivalent, although due to the required runtime the script API is recommended.

User Interface Biollante

"Biollante is the result of an experiment in genetic engineering. The creature was created by splicing together the DNA of three organisms: a rose, a human female (Erica, daughter of the scientist), and Godzilla himself."

For our purposes, Biollante is a GUI for optimizing kNN classifiers using genetic algorithms. A genetic algorithm is used to adjust the selection and weight of each feature.


To use Biollante from the Gamera console window select File -> Biollante. From the Biollante window select File -> Open from XML to open a Gamera XML file containing training data or load with File -> Open existing classifier an existing classifier from the gamera main window. Once the training data has been loaded you can start and stop the optimization process. After the optimizer has finished, the results can be saved using File -> Save to XML or File -> Save to XML as.

Classifier specific settings are configurable through the Classifier menu. With Classifier -> Copy classifier it is possible to create a copy from the loaded classifier for the optimization process. The menu entry Classifier -> Classifier to Gamera-GUI allows the usage of the optimized classifier in the Gamera main window. Through Classifier -> Load settings from XML a settings xml file will be loaded and applied.

The used feature set can be modified with Classifier -> Change feature set. With the menu entries Classifier -> Reset selections and Classifier -> Reset weights it is possible to discard already chosen optimizations.

Settings Page


The Biollante settings page offers the control over the evolutionary optimization process. It is possible to select which kind of optimization is applied: selection or weighting.

Additionally, the basic parameters population size, crossover rate and mutation rate can be adjusted. In the optional available Expert GA settings it is possible to select and fine-tune each used genetic algorithms operator (for further information see below). These settings are predefined with useful default values.

The crossover rate and mutation rate are expressed in percentages.

Status Page


The Biollante status page displays information about the current state of the optimization and allows to stop the process manually.

Current Status
Flag which indicates whether the optimization is currently running or not.
Initial leave one out rate
The initial leave-one-out performance of the classifier.
Elapsed time
Clock which measures how much time elapsed since optimization start.
Current generation
The current number of generations (of the genetic algorithm).
Best leave one out rate
The best leave-one-out performance achieved so far.
GA statistics
Text field which shows statistical information about the optimization process like the number of fitness evaluations, average and stdev of fitness values within each generation.

Result Page


The result page graphically displays the best selections or weights in a "bar graph" style.

Script Usage

The optimization module is also fully operable from Python directly.

The following listing clarifies the usage of the optimization module. All functions are explained in the function reference.

from gamera.core import *

from gamera import knn, knnga

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Load the trainingdata and create a classifier object
    classifier = knn.kNNNonInteractive("classifiers/traindata.xml",
                                       features = 'all',
                                       normalize = False)

    # Create and configure the GA objects and settings
    baseSettings = knnga.GABaseSetting()
    baseSettings.opMode = knnga.GA_SELECTION
    baseSettings.popSize = 75
    baseSettings.crossRate = 0.95
    baseSettings.mutRate = 0.05

    selection = knnga.GASelection()

    crossover = knnga.GACrossover()

    mutation = knnga.GAMutation()
    mutation.setBinaryMutation(0.5, False)

    replacement = knnga.GAReplacement()

    stop = knnga.GAStopCriteria()

    parallel = knnga.GAParallelization()
    parallel.mode = True
    parallel.thredNum = 4

    # Combine each setting object into one main object
    ga = knnga.GAOptimization(classifier, baseSettings, selection,
                              crossover, mutation, replacement,
                              stop, parallel)

    # Run the optimization

    # Lets have a look on the reported optimization progress and the results
    print "Generation statistics", ga.monitorString
    print "Selections:", classifier.get_selections_by_features()

It is recommended to use the settings from the Biollante GUI.

Function Reference

The optimization module follows a highly object oriented design.

Capsle Object GAOptimization


GAOptimization (KnnObject classifier, GABaseSetting base, GASelection selection, GACrossover crossover, GAMutation mutation, GAReplacement replace, GAStopCriteria stop, GAParallelization parallel)

The GAOptimization constructor combines all GA-setting objects and a kNN-Classifier into one executable genetic algorithm which allows the optimization.

KnnObject classifier
a trained instance of a gamera kNN-classifier (no type checking is performed)
GABaseSetting base
a configured instance of the GABaseSetting class
GASelection selection
a configured instance of the GASelection class
GACrossover crossover
a configured instance of the GACrossover class
GAMutation mutation
a configured instance of the GAMutation class
GAReplacement replace
a configured instance of the GAReplacement class
GAStopCriteria stop
a configured instance of the GAStopCriteria class
GAParallelization parallel
a configured instance of the GAParallelization class


No type checking is performed for the classifier object!



flag which indicates whether the optimization is in progress (True) or not (False)


the number of the latest computed generation


the best fitness value which has occurred in the optimization progress so far


string which contains some statistical information about the optimization process, like number of fitness evaluations, average and stdev of fitness values within each generation.


string coded version from the best individual of each generation



startCalculation ()

Starts the evolutionary optimization progress


After starting the optimization no changes in the used classifier object are allowed until the optimization is finished!


stopCalculation ()

Manual stops the evolutionary optimization progress without respect to the stoping-criterias.


This function blocks until the current generation of the optimization is finished. As a result it could take a long time until this functions returns!

Base Settings


GABaseSetting (opMode = GA_SELECTION, int popSize = 75, double crossRate = 0.95, double mutRate = 0.05)

The GABaseSetting constructor creates a new settings object with the basic parameters for GA-optimization for the later usage in a GAOptimization-object.

opMode (optional)
set optimization mode to GA_SELECTION or GA_WEIGHTING
int popSize (optional)
population size which is used in the GA-progress
double crossRate (optional)
crossover probability which is used in the GA-progress
double mutRate (optional)
mutation probability which is used in the GA-progress

Getter and Setter


flag which determines the mode of operation (can be set to the defined constants GA_SELECTION (0) or GA_WEIGHTING (1))


the population size


the crossover probability (should be between 0.0 and 1.0)


the mutation probability (should be between 0.0 and 1.0)

Individuals Selection Settings


GASelection ()

The GASelection constructor creates a new settings object for the GA-optimization which specifies the used individuals selection method. This object can later be used in an GAOptimization-object.

Only one selection method can be chosen. Multiple settings will override each other.



setRoulettWheel ()

Set the roulette wheel selection method for the GA-progress. This method picks up an individual proportional to the stored fitness value.


setRoulettWheelScaled (double preasure = 2.0)

Set the roulette wheel selection with linear scaled fitness values as selection method for the GA-progress.

double preasure (optional)
the selective pressure, should be in [1,2]

setStochUniSampling ()

Set the stochastic universal sampling method as selection method for the GA-progress.

This method selects an individual proportional to the stores fitness value. Compared with the roulette wheel selection method all individuals are selected in only one step.


setRankSelection (double preasure = 2.0, double exponent = 1.0)

Set the rank selection method as selection method for the GA-progress.

This method picks up an individual by roulette wheel based on his rank in the current population.

double preasure (optional)
the selective pressure, should be in [1,2]
double exponent (optional)
exponent (1 == linear)

setTournamentSelection (int tSize = 3)

Set a deterministic tournament selection method for selecting the individuals in the genetic algorithm.

int tSize (optional)
the number of individuals in the tournament

setRandomSelection ()

Select all individuals in the genetic progress randomly.

Crossover Settings


GACrossover ()

The GACrossover constructor creates a new settings object for the GA-optimization which specifies the selected crossover-operators. This object can later be used in an GAOptimization-object.

Combination from different crossover-operators are possible. Each selected operator can later used with an equal probability within the optimization.



setNPointCrossover (int n = 1)

Enables the classic n-Point crossover as recombination operator in the GA-optimization.

int n (optional)
the number of crossover points

setUniformCrossover (double preference = 0.5)

Enables the classic uniform crossover operator in the recombination of the GA.

double preference (optional)
crossover-probability for each allele (should be in [0,1])

setSBXcrossover (int numFeatures, double min, double max, double eta = 1.0)

Enables the simulated binary crossover operator for the real value encoded individuals used in feature weighting. For more details on this operator see: Deb, K. & Agrawal, R. B. (1995) Simulated Binary Crossover for Continuous Search Space. Complex Systems, 9, pp. 115-148.

int numFeatures
the number of used features. Usually this value is set to classifier.num_features.
double min (optional)
the minimum value which is allowed in an allele (usually 0.0)
double max (optional)
the maximum value which is allowed in an allele (usually 1.0)
double eta (optional)
the amount of exploration OUTSIDE the parents as in BLX-alpha notation

setSegmentCrossover (int numFeatures, double min, double max, double alpha = 0.0)

Enables the segment crossover operator for the real value encoded individuals used in feature weighting. This operator is a variation from the classical arithmetic recombination which performs a uniform choice in segment (arithmetical with same value along all coordinates).

int numFeatures
the number of used features. Usually this value is set to classifier.num_features.
double min (optional)
the minimum value which is allowed in an allele (usually 0.0)
double max (optional)
the maximum value which is allowed in an allele (usually 1.0)
double alpha (optional)
the amount of exploration OUTSIDE the parents as in BLX-alpha notation

setHypercubeCrossover (int numFeatures, double min, double max, double alpha = 0.0)

Enables the hypercube crossover operator for the real value encoded individuals used in feature weighting. This operator is a variation from the classicial arithmetic recombination which performs a uniform choice in hypercube (arithmetical with different values for each coordinate).

int numFeatures
the number of used features. Usually this value is set to classifier.num_features.
double min (optional)
the minimum value which is allowed in an allele (usually 0.0)
double max (optional)
the maximum value which is allowed in an allele (usually 1.0)
double alpha (optional)
the amount of exploration OUTSIDE the parents as in BLX-alpha notation



GAMutation ()

The GAMutation constructor creates a new settings object for the GA-optimization which specifies the selected mutation-operators. This object can later be used in an GAOptimization-object.

Combinations of different mutations-operators are possible. Each selected operator is used with an equal probability within the optimization.


Only mutation-operators from the corresponding category (feature selection or weighting) are used later in the optimization based on the selection in the GABaseSetting-object.



setShiftMutation ()

Enables the shift mutation on the chromosome as mutation operator in the genetic algorithm. This means the allele between two points are right shifted.


setSwapMutation ()

Enables the swap mutation on the chromosome as muation operator in the genetic algorithm. This means two allele within the chromosome are exchanged.


setInversionMutation ()

Enables the inversion mutation on the chromosome as mutation operator in the genetic algorithm. This means the ordering from the allels between two points will be reversed.


setBinaryMutation (double rate = 0.05, bool normalize = False)

Enables the classic bit-flip mutation for bitstring individuals. This means that this operator only effects feature selection.

double rate (optional)
the probability for mutation of an allele (should be in [0,1])
bool normalize (optional)
if true rate/chromosomeSize is used

setGaussMutation (int numFeatures, double min, double max, double sigma, double rate)

Enables the mutation based on a Gaussian distribution for real value individuals. This means that his operator only effects feature weighting. A random number is added to the mutated allele.

int numFeatures
the number of used features. Usually this value is set to classifier.num_features.
double min
the minimum value which is allowed in an allele (usually 0.0)
double max
the maximum value which is allowed in an allele (usually 1.0)
double sigma
the standard deviation of the gaussian distribution. This parameter determines the strength of the mutation.
double rate
the probability for mutating an allele (should be in [0,1])



GAReplacement ()

The GAReplacement constructor creates a new settings object for the GA-optimization which specifies the used replacement method. This object can later be used in an GAOptimization-object.

Only one replacement method can be chosen. Multiple settings will override each other.



setGenerationalReplacement ()

Sets the generational replacement as replacement method for the GA-progress. This means that the new individuals in the intermediate population will replace the whole population.


setSSGAworse ()

Sets the steady state worse replacement as replacement method in the GA-progress. This means that the worst individuals are continuous replaced by better ones.


setSSGAdetTournament (int tSize = 3)

Sets an steady state deterministic tournament as replacement method in the GA-progress. This means that the loosers of this tournament will be replaced in the following population.

int tSize (optional)
the number of individuals in the tournament

Stop Criteria


GAStopCriteria ()

The GAStopCriteria constructor creates a new settings object for the GA-optimization which specified the termination condition of the optimization progress. This object can later be used in an GAOptimization-object.

A combination of different stop-criteria methods is possible. The first condition which becomes True will end the optimization.



setBestFitnessStop (double optimum = 1.0)

Enables the termination by attainment of the specified fitness rating measured by one individual.

double optimum (optional)
fitness rating

setMaxGenerations (int n = 100)

Enables the termination by attainment of the specified number of maximal generations within the optimization process.

int n (optional)
the number of maximal generations

setMaxFitnessEvals (int n = 5000)

Enables the termination by attainment of the specified amount of fitness evaulations within the optimization process

int n (optional)
the number of fitness evaluations

setSteadyStateStop (int minGens = 40, int noChangeGens = 10)

Enables the termination after noChangeGens generations without improvements within the optimization after at least minGens generations.

int minGens (optional)
the minimum number of generations to be computed
int noChangeGens (optional)
the number of generations without improvements



GAParallelization (mode = True, threads = 2)

The GAParallelization constructor creates a new settings object which controls the parallelization within the GA-progress. It is used later within an GAOptimization-object.

mode (optional)
enable (True) or disable (Flase) the parallelization of individual fitness calculations
threads (optional)
the number of threads which are used for parallelization

Getter and Setter


flag which indicates whether parallelization is used (True) or not (False)


the number of threads which are used by enabled parallelization


[Holland1975]Holland, J. H. (1975). Adaptation in natural and artificial systems. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor.
[EOdev]Keijzer, M., Merelo, J. J., Romero, G., & Schoenauer, M. (2002). Evolving objects: A general purpose evolutionary computation library. Artificial Evolution, 2310, pp. 829–888.
[Bolten2012]Bolten, T. (2012) Genetische Algorithmen zur Auswahl und Gewichtung von Features in der Mustererkennung. Master thesis, Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences, Krefeld, Germany